In the fast-paced, high-tech, high-stakes world of modern business, companies either evolve or stagnate and fail. Theresa Caragol, a business and partnering expert, explains that in today’s rapidly changing environment, companies must adopt a proactive partnership strategy to stay competitive.

Her new book, Partnering Success: The Force Multiplier to Achieve Exponential Growth, published by Advantage Books, has quickly become a bestseller in 14 categories as of today, including #1 in Strategic Management, Strategy & Competition, and Business Systems & Planning. Caragol’s comprehensive guide redefines strategic partnerships for today’s business needs, proving itself to be a must-read for business leaders worldwide. She argues that transactional approaches to partnerships are outdated, and businesses must now focus on building ecosystems of trust and collaboration in dynamic, enduring partnerships to drive growth and fuel innovation.

Caragol’s book targets business leaders, executives, leaders in sales and marketing, entrepreneurs, and small business owners. They will learn how a proactive and trust-based partnership strategy can transform their company’s trajectory, impacting everything from internal culture to market reach and accelerating company sales.

“We live in an increasingly globalized world, and thanks to the rapid evolution of tech and AI, we can work internationally with real, and sometimes automated, collaborators,” Caragol writes. “Therefore, being able to fast-track trusted and successful partnerships is more urgently needed now than ever before for successful short- and long-term growth.”

Partnering Success looks at partnering through an entirely different lens than how it was viewed years ago. Caragol introduces three critical dimensions necessary for successful partnerships: relationship development, business acceleration, and community orchestration. Those dimensions collectively form the foundation of Caragol’s strategic System for Partnering Success, which helps organizations find their Partnering North Star and achieve “Partner LifeTime Value®,” a model she created.

“As someone who’s always believed in the power of collaboration and partnerships, this book resonated deeply with me. Caragol’s insights, backed by real-world examples, offer a roadmap for navigating the complexities of modern partnerships with confidence and clarity. If you’re ready to elevate your partnering game and unlock new opportunities for growth, look no further than Partnering Success.”

Jay McBain: Chief Analyst – Channels, Partnerships & Ecosystems, Canalys

A sought-after influencer who has received numerous IT industry channel accolades, Caragol is the founder and CEO of AchieveUnite Inc., a partner performance and employee education company. She says the challenges companies face, from technological disruption to global sustainability, demand collective intelligence and joint action, and that partnering has become imperative for every organization operating in the B2B market. Caragol emphasizes that trust must be developed and nurtured at all levels of the organization, both internally and externally, and she introduces the Partnering Quotient Index (PQi®), a tool designed to measure and improve trust within teams and partnerships.

“Higher ‘trust/partnering’ teams and cross-functional partnering are critical and much more deeply needed,” Caragol says. “Some of our most leading-edge work is building cross-functional teamwork and trust with PQi.”

She also argues that successful partnerships require commitment from the highest levels of an organization, and partnering must be a core company strategy, not just a sales function. The book is a strategic blueprint for organizations aiming to leverage partnerships as a key driver for significant growth, innovation, and long-term success.

About Theresa Caragol

Theresa Caragol is the founder and CEO of AchieveUnite Inc., a partner performance company that offers proven consulting services and education programs that deliver business transformational services. She is the author of Partnering Success: The Force Multiplier to Achieve Exponential Growth. A sought-after influencer, Caragol has more than 20 years of experience in building and managing multi-million-dollar indirect channel teams and strategic alliance programs from inception to sales success. Her IT industry channel honors include the Informa Top Industry Influencer and CRN’s Top 50 Most Influential Channel Chiefs. She’s a popular speaker, trainer and facilitator and was one of 15 women selected for the first Leadership Foundry in Washington, D.C., an organization dedicated to mentoring and recruiting women for positions on corporate boards. Prior to founding AchieveUnite Inc., Caragol held senior executive roles at Extreme Networks, Ciena, and Nortel. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in communication and media studies from Virginia Tech, an MBA from the University of Wisconsin, and an Executive Master’s in leadership from Georgetown University Business School.