As a technology vendor using the Information Technology and Telecom Channel for productivity and market reach, have you ever wanted to discover the real answers to questions like the following?
- How do I know if my channel partners are the right ones for my company, the absolute best partners?
- What should I be doing to strengthen loyalty with my channel partners, loyalty that results in better revenue growth and improvements in end-customer satisfaction?
- How do I improve technical resource sharing with my channel partners so that we are in close alignment and leverage our critical human assets?
The team at AchieveUnite has not only asked the questions, we have answers to share. We worked with the University of Glasgow to survey 150 US-headquartered vendors of IT products and services. This survey was designed for vendors seeking strong, loyal, and growth-oriented channel partnerships. The purpose was to understand the extent to which technology vendors value long-term partnerships and are taking steps to proactively build Partner LifeTime Value®. The data that came out of the study was stunning. Loyalty doesn’t play the role you think it does while engagement leads the way when it comes to partner relations. Get the Partner LifeTime Value® eBook today and learn how you can build up your partner sales strategy for success tomorrow.